The Process

My unparalleled installation method and quality assurance process. 

Experience the luxurious beauty of EpoxyLush, a premium finish meticulously crafted with a minimum of three layers. Tailored to meet your project’s unique requirements and desired depth, I skilfully apply the precise number of applications for a flawless result.

The EpoxyLush system comprises three essential components: epoxy primers, epoxy design colours, and topcoats. My topcoats come in a variety of finishes, including satin, gloss, and matte, allowing you to customize your space with the perfect touch.

I understand that time is of the essence. The curing period of your EpoxyLush finish is dependent on the ambient temperature, which can vary with the seasons. Typically, the installation process will take between 2 to 3 days, ensuring you can enjoy your stunning EpoxyLush finish in no time depending on the size of the project.

Here is a useful guide with curing times based on temperature.

Click Here for curing times

Curing Times

Curing times are influenced by the level of preparation required, including essential tasks like repairs, taping off, lifting stains, and grinding. The preparation phase is the most time-consuming aspect, but naturally, epoxying a floor would take longer than a table due to the surface size.

Once the surface is meticulously prepared, I apply the epoxy primer, followed by the layer(s) of epoxy design, which typically takes around 3 – 4 hours to settle. After approximately 24 hours, I proceed to grind the surface and skilfully apply the topcoat/sealer. The entire process usually spans 2-3 days, considering the size of the surface.

However, it’s essential to consider the curing time, which can vary based on the ambient temperature, distinct from season to season and from one home to another. To offer a helpful guide, I have outlined the expected curing times below:

Temperature                  Curing time

25°c                                     7 days

20°c                                    10 days

15°c                                    15 days

10°c                                    20 days

5°c                                       30 days

Once the curing process is complete, I will apply a high-wear topcoat to enhance durability and resistance against scratching. By the end of this process, you’ll achieve the utmost hardness and exceptional scratch resistance possible with resins.

Please note that the high-wear topcoat may not be necessary for certain situations, such as artwork, wall panels, or areas with minimal foot traffic.

Experience the Enhanced Protection with Antibacterial Topcoat:

Consider the option of an antibacterial topcoat, an improved sealer that not only preserves the stunning finish but also provides protection against potentially harmful microorganisms.

Long-lasting Beauty with Proper Maintenance:

I guarantee that my systems will maintain their brand new appearance for many years when properly maintained. To ensure this, I advise my customers to conduct a general inspection after 10 years. This allows them to decide whether it’s time for a resin facelift to restore its fresh appeal. Adequate maintenance not only sustains the beauty but also leads to substantial long-term savings for your business or home.

Unique Projects, Customer Satisfaction:

At EpoxyLush, I understand that each project is unique. My dedicated efforts are directed towards achieving the highest level of customer satisfaction. However, it’s essential to be aware that there might be a slight chance of colour variance when compared to the previously agreed-upon colour sample.

Crafted with Care, Impacted by Environment:

My product are meticulously hand-applied, taking every precaution to deliver excellence. Nonetheless, environmental elements like temperature, dust, and draught can have some impact on the finish.

Embracing the Art of Handcrafted Perfection:

As each item is handcrafted, minor defects like fine bubbles, ripples, or microscopic particles may appear during the resin’s curing process within the first 24-48 hours. Rest assured, these slight imperfections are a testament to the artisanal nature of my work.